Language is not a rigid structure, it develops with people. Words become obsolete and new words enter the vocabulary. New products and services, developments in science and society are drivers for new word creations. The search engine Google has had a lasting impact on the life of modern society. The Oxford English Dictionary shows the verb "to google". "I google" means that I enter a search query (with the search engine Google) on the Internet. This is also the case with chess and chess terms in the English language. More than 200 years ago coffee house chess developed particularly strongly in France (Paris), Austria (Wien), Germany (Berlin) and Great Britain (London). The middle classes discovered chess for themselves. At the beginning of the 20th century workers' chess clubs popped up like mushrooms everywhere. Chess had now arrived in the population. Local newspapers reported daily about chess. It is clear that chess terms can be found in everyday language. One word describes clearly and accurately a situation that would otherwise have to be described in many words.